Minister Search Survey

The Search Process begins not by searching but by listening. Listening to God (for guidance). Listening to the leadership team (for direction). Listening to our community (for needs). Listening to those around us who are ministering effectively (for ideas). And listening to the Church at 1548 (for understanding). One way to listen to our congregation is to survey individual members. Starting January 21 (and for the next fifteen days--through February 4), we will be listening to you and gathering information that will help us in our search for a new pulpit minister.

Here are a few facts for you to consider:

1. The survey will be offered online--the most efficient and confidential way to collect your responses and report the results.

2. We need the participation of everyone who regularly attends 1548 Heights--your input is essential to accurately reflect our congregation’s needs and desires. (Thus, only one survey per person.)

3. If you have internet access (we'll supply the link via email), you can take the survey in the privacy of your home. If not, we will make laptops available to you at the building. If you need help, members of the Search Committee will be available to assist you.

4. If you absolutely cannot take the survey online, we can make paper/pencil surveys available and then transfer your responses to the database. Please speak to Ann Bayliss or John Watson to make arrangements.

5. Set aside 30-45 minutes to respond to the survey. You need to complete the entire survey in one sitting--otherwise, your responses will not be saved and you'll have to start over.

The survey will cover four areas:

1. Demographics (like gender, age, race, length of time at 1548 Heights, etc.). We want to capture a snapshot of the Church at 1548 Heights at this point in time.

2. Personal Spiritual Health (e.g., how often do you read the Bible? How involved are you in a ministry?) This will provide information for pastoral and ministerial support in the future.

3. Congregational Spiritual Health (e.g., How well do you understand the church’s mission and vision? How involved is 1548 with the community?). This information will help us assess areas of strengths and weaknesses in our church.

4. Minister Preferences (e.g., Which is more important to you in a minister: inspiring sermons or community involvement?). This will help us understand congregational priorities as we look for a new minister.

Please be in prayer about the search process and our new minister, and look for the survey link in your email on January 21 to ensure your voice is heard.


Search Team Leadership and Committees