Transition Consultant: Dr. David Fleer

The leadership team wants you all to know we have completed our search for a transition consultant and we have engaged Dr. David Fleer.

So what does that statement actually mean? So in simple terms Dr. Fleer has been engaged to help us in THREE primary ways:

1. Participate in our Search Team

2. Provide Worship Continuity

3. Help our church and our Leadership continue our season of discernment and flourishing

You will all meet Dr. Fleer very soon. We are looking at dates in September for him to make his first visit. We also want to emphasize that Dr. Fleer will be our primary interim pulpit minister after Matt and Angela move. He will also meet weekly with both the Leadership Team, the Search Committee and the membership here at 1548 Heights. As for his qualifications and biography I can tell you that he is uniquely qualified to help us in all three areas. He is well known (both Ann and Matt can give some testimony) and he must be smart since he actually taught Matt at ACU. We are going to enjoy his time here.

As I said a few weeks ago it is easy during seasons of change to choose to like Eeyore, full of despair and gloom or we can choose to be Winnie the Pooh and chase the Bees and which lead us to the Honey. Dr. Fleers hiring is just the first Bee in that journey.


Minister Search Team


Minister Search Team Created